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Sea Songs and Ballads
Sea Songs and Ballads
Published: 1865, Bell and Daldy, London
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Table of contents:
Poor Jack
The Greenwich Pensioner
The Signal to engage
While up the Shrouds
The Good Ship the
The Heart of a Tar
The Jolly Young Waterman
The Sailor
When last from the Straits
At Sea
The Veterans
Blow high, blow low
Nothing like Grog
Poor Tom
My Poll and my Partner Joe
Saturday Night at Sea
The Flowing Can
Change for a Guinea
Lovely Polly
Sounding the Bowl
Jack at the Opera
The Sailor's Sheet Anchor
Grog and Girls
The Cartindo
Bonny Kate
Jack come Home
Poor Shipwreck'd Tar
Each Bullet has its commission
Jack Ratlin
Sweethearts and Wives
Yo, heave, ho
A Drop of the Creature
The Anchor a-peak
Little Ben
Tom Bowling
Ben Block
The Girl Ashore
Ben Backstay
Buxom Nan
True English Sailor
Jack's Gratitude
Bill Bobstay
Foretop Morality
The Blind Sailor
The Shipwreck
Tack and Half Tack
Bleak was the Morn
Every inch a Sailor
The Token
Jack at the Windlass
Jack at Greenwich
The Sailor's Journal
Lovely Nan
Happy Jerry
Comely Ned
Tom Truelove's Knell
Who Cares
Nancy Dear
Jack's Fidelity
The Sailor's Maxim
All's one to Jack
The Nancy
Jack's Claim to Poll
True Courage
Brother Jack
Each his own Pilot
The Voyage of Life
Three Cheers
The Pride of the Ocean
The Tar of all Weathers
Tom TOugh
Nature and Nancy
Tom Tackle was poor
The Standing Toast
The Busy Crew
The Letter N
The Last Shilling
Since, Jack, thou art a Seaman's Son
Grieving's a Folly
I sail'd in the Terrible Frigate
The Sailor's Will
Nancy and Home
Blow, Boreas, Blow
The Cabin Boy
Jack's Advice to his Friend
Gallant Tom
The War is Over
Jack's Alive
Life's Weather Gauge
The Wife
The Look Out
The Sailor's Dream
Britannia's Name
A Dose for the Dons
A Sailor's Ditty
And many more...