Sea shanties and maritime music

I sing the Chanty Man. A tremulous echo is all that is left of him upon the seas. Soon it will have escaped – fled down the winds of yesterday of which he sang so lustily...

William Brown Meloney IV, Everybody's Magazine, 1915

This Day in History (February 29, 1908)

This Day in History (January 8, 1806)

The death of Lord Nelson was a national tragedy like no other for England. "From Greenwich to Whitehall Stairs, on the 8th of January, 1806, in one of the greatest Aquatic Processions that ever was beheld on the River Thames" drifted the royal shallop (barge). The event is referenced in the modern lament, Carrying Nelson Home. Nelson is mentioned in nearly a dozen other songs.

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Handsome Cabin Boy
Forecastle song

Now, 'tis of a handsome female as you should understand,
She had a mind for roving unto some foreign land,
Attired in sailor's clothing she boldly did appear,
And engaged with a captain to serve him for a year.

She engaged with a captain, a cabin boy to be.
The wind it being in favor they proudly put to sea.
The captain's lady being on board she seemed in great joy,
To think the captain had engaged a handsome cabin boy.

So gentle was this pretty maid, she did her duty well;
Then what followed next, me boys, the song itself will tell:
The captain and this pretty maid did oftimes kiss and toy,
For he soon found out the secret of the handsome cabin boy.

Her cheeks were like the rosebuds and her sidelocks all in curl;
The sailors often smiled and said he looks just like a girl.
Through eating cabin biscuits her color did destroy,
And the waist did swell of pretty Nell, the handsome cabin boy.

As through the Bay o' Biscay our gallant ship did plow,
One night among the sailors there was an awful row;
They tumbled from their hammocks, it did their rest destroy,
They swore it was the groaning of the handsome cabin boy.

"Oh doctor! Oh, doctor!" the cabin boy did cry;
The sailors swore by all that's good the cabin boy would die.
The doctor he came runnin'-a-smilin' at the fun,
To think the sailor boy would have a daughter or a son.

Now when the sailors heard the joke, they all began to state;
"The child belongs to none of us," they solemnly did swear.
The lady to the captain said, "My dear, I wish you joy,
It's either you or I betrayed the handsome cabin boy!"