En sjöman älskar havets våg, ja vågornas brus
När stormen skakar mast och tåg, hör stormarnas sus
Ch: Farväl, farväl, Förtjusande mö, vi komma väl snart igen!
A Sailor loves the ocean waves- yes, the roar of the waves,
When the storm shakes rigging and mast; hear the moan of the storm
Ch: Farewell, farewell, fascinating maid, we shall soon return again.
I take farewell of my dear friend, by the roar of the waves,
The dear one then swears to be true, in the moan of the storm.
Tenderly she presses my hand, by roar of the waves,
Then it feels hard to leave the land, to the moan of the storm.
She whispers tenderly my name, by the roar of the waves,
"Come back soon into my arms, from the moan of the storm."
My faithful true love's warm kiss - hear the roar of the waves -
For the last time I had just now, by the moan of the storm.
There she still stands on the green shore, by the roar of the waves,
And prays to God to keep me safe, from the moan of the storm.