We'll pay Paddy Doyle for his boots!

Who stole Paddy Doyle's boots?!

We'll bowse her up and be done!

We'll all drink brandy and gin!

We'll all shave under the chin!

We'll all throw dirt at the cook!

To me way-a-a-yah!
We'll pay Paddy Doyle for his boots!

We'll roll up the sail as we sing, a-yah!
And pay Paddy Doyle for his boots!

We'll toss up the bunt with a fling, a-yah!
And hang Paddy Doyle for his boots!

We'll all drink whiskey and gin, a-yah!
And hang Paddy Doyle for this boots!

To me way-a-a-yah!
We'll all sling soot at the cook!

From The Making of a Sailor by Frederick Pease Harlow (1928)