Skön Jungfrun Hon Gångar Sig Till Högsta Berg (The Pretty Maid Climbs Up the Highest Mountain)

Another pumping shanty from Captain Sternvall's Swedish collection Sang Under Segel (Stockholm, 1935). Hugill translates Sternvall's notes:

In spite of its simple melody, it is not so easy to sing - the scansion must be helped out. It is a lengthy ballad; in some versions it is the bride who smooths her hair, the boy who pales and the girl who, at last, suffers the dreadful fate... Some seamen's versions are not so nice.

Hugill notes that this is known as a "token song" after the folk motif of a person giving their lover a token of affection as a mark that he will soon return. The theme is similar in the French shanty, Retour de Marin.