Come, loose ev'ry sail to the breeze,
The course of my vessel improve;
I've done with the toils of the seas,
Ye sailors, I'm bound to my love.
Ch: Ye sailors, I'm bound to my love,
Ye sailors, I'm bound to my love,
I've done with the toils of the seas,
Ye sailors, I'm bound to my love.
Since Emma is true as she's fair,
My griefs I flind all to the wind,
'Tis a pleasing return for my are,
My mistress is constant and kind.
My sails are all filled to my dear,
What tropic bird swifter can move?
Who, cruel, shall hold his career,
That returns to the nest of his love.
Then hoist every sail to the breeze,
Come, shipmates, and join in the song;
Let's drink while the ship cuts the seas,
To the gale that may drive her along;