Oh, in Parmerent in Holland, there lay an ancient brig,
Worn out was her hull, boys, and rotten was her rig.
Ch: Overland as at sea, overland as at sea!
To Drobak with the dirty old hog in welcome come we!

Oh, she had no steering compass, no wheelhouse standing aft,
The sailors they did steer her by the crown of Per Svine's hat.
Ch: Overland as at sea, overland as at sea!
To Drobak with the dirty old hog in welcome come we!

Her saloon was unpainted, the fo'c'sle weren't too good,
The bunks they all were painted with stinkin' red bug's blood.
Ch: Overland as at sea, overland as at sea!
To Drobak with the dirty old pig in welcome come we!

Watch and watch we pumped the ol' ship out, our backs were just like lead,
And once we left the harbor, boys, sweatin' braces we did dread.
Ch: Oh, the sea, let it roar! Oh, the sea, let it roar!
Put four men in the longboat, boys, an' row the pig ashore!

And after we had sailed, me boys, and the land was still in sight,
The pig it drank up all the rum an' very soon was tight.
Ch: Heave-O, slowly out to sea! Heave-O, slowly out to sea!
The pretty girls of Bergen, oh, quite soon we all will see!

It was a Sunday morning, the hands for 'bout ship went,
But when we glanced below, my lads, we found the keel was bent.
Ch: Oh, good Lord! Oh, good Lord! Oh, the land is still in sight!
Hurrah, me boys, for a bloomin' fine trip and the Copenhagen Light!

English translation
From Songs of the Sea by Stan Hugill (1977)