Hugill says of this fo'c'sle song that it was popular among French merchant seamen of the 1840s and 50s.
A chaloupe is the technical name of the lifeboat dropped from the davits which was used for small boats throughout the world. The English shallop, shalloop, and sloop were used since the Middle Ages for small fishing vessels.
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Mettons la chaloupe à l'eau
(Repeat first line as chorus) Mettons la chaloupe à l'eau
Matelot tomba dans l'eau,
M'entendez-vous? Et si toi, te fous de moi, Moi, je me fous de vous
Matelot cassa sa bras, Chirurgie il était là.
Lui voulut qu'on lui coupa, Matelot ne voulut pas...
Vers le port il s'en alla, Et c'est là qu'l achète...